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看好南京房地產市場潛力 戴德梁行進駐南京

青岛房天下  2008-09-24 09:48


南京作為江蘇省省會和長三角主要城市之一,不僅是歷史名城,在近年也成為經濟高速增長的商業城市。DTZ 戴德梁行研究報告顯示,南京在2007年吸引了多達人民幣2667.9億元的外資流入,按年增長14.8%。2008年,南京甲級寫字樓供應量有望達到30萬平方米,物業數量和品質雙雙提升;去年中高端商舖存量達到73,080平方米,同時保持90%以上的高佔有率。預計到了2010年,中高端商舖供應量可望推高至94,500平方米。隨著軌道交通網等基礎設施更臻完善,南京將得到更多投資者的青睞。

DTZ 戴德梁行中國區行政總裁張國正表示:「在當前的全球經濟形勢下,中國經濟也受到一定影響,但是中國房地產市場長期來看依舊向好,長三角未來依然有巨大發展潛力。南京擁有全國較為領先的工業園區,辦公樓和商舖物業市場則正穩步邁向成熟。DTZ戴德梁行將利用自身的廣泛網絡、專業的房地產顧問團隊,將國際專業經驗帶入本地市場,推動南京房地產市場的發展。」



Press release
Date: 22 September 2008

DTZ consolidates coverage in eastern China
with new office in Nanjing

International property adviser DTZ opens its 16th office in North Asia today in Nanjing, marking a new chapter of the company since its arrival in the mainland China market in 1993. The Nanjing office brings the total number of DTZ professionals working in the Greater China region to more than 4,800, adding strength to our already extensive service coverage in the region.

Rich in history and culture, Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province and a key city of the Yangtze River Delta. The city has seen rapid economic growth in recent years. According to DTZ’s research figures, Nanjing’s annual foreign trade volume in 2007 was RMB266.79 billion, with a year-on-year increase of 14.8%. With regard to real estate sectors, the supply of grade A office space is expected to reach 300,000 sq m in 2008, and both the quantity and quality of office properties are improving. The total stock of mid- to high-end retail properties in Nanjing as at the end of 2007 was 73,080 sq m, with an occupancy rate of more than 90%. By 2010, it is envisaged that the total supply of this retail category will touch 94,500 sq m. In terms of infrastructure, the continual development of railway and expressway systems will attract the attention of investors.

Edward Cheung, DTZ’s CEO of Mainland China, commented, “The Chinese economy is not spared from the impacts of a volatile global market, but the long-term prospect of the Chinese property market is still positive, and the Yangtze River Delta in particular possesses a significant potential of development. As a key city of the delta, Nanjing is known for its advanced industrial plants, while its office and retail sectors are rapidly catching up. The budding market of Nanjing is where DTZ’s professional knowledge, network and services can come into use to forge a stronger development of the Nanjing property scene.”

DTZ’s network and service coverage in the East China region are strengthened by the addition of the Nanjing office, creating synergy with our current offices in Shanghai and Hangzhou.

David Watt, DTZ’s Chairman of North Asia, said, “By consolidating our service network in Nanjing and its surrounding areas, we are adamant that our clients in eastern China as well as in North Asia and beyond are served with the best business solution arising from DTZ’s knowledge and experience.”

Office information:

DTZ Nanjing office
Unit C, 32/F, Zhujiang No.1 Plaza, 1 Zhujiang Road, Nanjing 210008, China
Tel: +86 25 8362 7328
Fax: +86 25 8362 7327

For further information contact:

Stephanie Liu
Email: stephanie.oy.liu@dtz.com.hk
Direct Tel: +852 2507 0637
Direct Fax: +852 2530 1441 
Notes to Editors
DTZ is a leading global real estate adviser with more than 12,500 staff operating under the DTZ brand across 150 cities in 45 countries providing solutions for clients around the world. Its client-focused activities range from high quality capital market solutions, to cutting-edge occupier-led property services and advice. The comprehensive service offering across Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), Asia Pacific and a growing presence in the Americas is based upon detailed local knowledge backed by first-class research. With its full-service expertise spanning all real estate sectors, DTZ offers a global solution to meet each client’s particular property-related investment and business needs. The parent company, DTZ Holdings plc, has been quoted on the London Stock Exchange since 1987.







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