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影视产业崛起 媒体转型契机


房天下  2017-05-12 10:40

[摘要] 5月10日上午,由青岛万达东方影都项目组织召开的“我本东方影都——首届青岛全媒体影视文化产业传播交流会”在金沙滩希尔顿酒店圆满落幕。


The "I am Qingdao Movie Metropolis - the first Qingdao media and film industry cultural exchanges"was organized by the Qingdao Movie Metropolis project in the Golden Beach Hilton Hotel successfully on May 10 morning.


More than 40 news media participated in the event for instant the deputy general manager of the Qingdao Morning Post Pan Xiu lei the general manager of Qingdao Evening News Hu Lebing, the general manager of Qingdao Control Media Yang Jiabo.

各界媒体朋友就青岛市2017年政府工作报告中提出的 “发展高端影视,申创’电影之都’”,深入探讨以此城市发展战略为契机,开展影视文化媒体业务的可行性,勇做中国影视文化产业媒体先锋。

In terms of the theme from the 2017 Qingdao City government work report-“To develop the high-end film, and to apply for the‘Move Metropolis’”, people from every walk of the society, they discussed the possibility of this city development strategy, to open the film industry media business. And to be the media pioneer of Chinese film culture industry.


Qingdao Morning Newspaper Mr.Pan, said that the Qingdao media people will take effort to study the characteristics of Qingdao film industry, to promote Qingdao from the perspective of film industry, searching for news tipping points, to let Qingdao film industry be known for the our nation and even the world through the whole media.


The Qingdao Movie Metropolis, which is located in the Film and Culture District of the west coast of Lingshan Bay, will have 45 the world's leading studios and 24 professional workshops, as well as world-class film backlots after the full construction.As the national largest heavy industry film base, the Qingdao Movie Metropolis has attracted a large number of Hollywood casts to shoot film such as the "Great Wall""Pacific rim 2"and more. Therefore the Qingdao Movie Metropolis has become a new shining star of film industry layout.


The Qingdao Movie Metropolis has entered into full opening countdown stage at present, after the opening it will attract more film relevant enterprises and the casts from all over the world and provide more material and opportunities for Qingdao media, which will push forward Qingdao to become a new heights of film industry in China and even the world, and bring opportunities for media development and transformation of Qingdao.









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